Yakety Yak Written by Kathy Broderick

Could a perch, perch before a big jump? Could a weasel, weasel his way into dessert?

Broderick writes a whimsical and thoughtful collection of homonyms that invites the reader to discover unique animal names and action words. The reader can browse creative and engaging illustrations with sentences and definitions of the homonym pairs. The reader will encounter yaks that yak loudly, a duck that ducks just in time, and a crane that cranes for a better view, among other exciting animals and actions. Thoughtful, fun, and colored with imaginative play, the audience will no doubt enjoy exploring new vocabulary words and becoming immersed in the comical and vibrant illustrations. This book is the perfect read for elementary-age students and an excellent mentor text for teaching students new vocabulary and animal species in a captivating way.



Sloth Sees The World & All About Sloths , 2-in-1 Fiction & Nonfiction Book Series


Splendid Agony Celebrating Dyslexia written by T. Durant Fleming