Our Fort Written by Marie Dorleans

Dorleans shares an exquisitely illustrated and descriptive narrative story describing the startling unpredictabilities of weather and life and how three friends forge through an unforeseen storm together and make their way not only to their final destination but to brighter skies. The adventure begins the minute the three friends step through the gate. Set out together to visit their homemade fort, they walk through their usual path past their neighbor's house, sheep meadow, and through the vast, billowing green fields. However, there is nothing ordinary about this day. With each step, the sky begins to darken, the winds begin to churn, and soon the friends find themselves lost in an unexpected storm whirlwind. This thoughtful and symbolic story inspires curiosity about the world around us and invites readers to appreciate the closeness of loyal friends and the beauty and calm of our earth, especially after one of mother nature's storms. This book is an excellent read for elementary students, conveying the valuable themes of friendship and trust and providing the reader with visually stimulating illustrations that perfectly capture the whimsical and realistic details of our ever-changing earth.


The Pack Written by Amanda Cley & Cecilia Ferri


What Are Sister’s For? Written by Anya Glazer