Know your child’s progress and be part of their reading process.


Students enrolled in Rainbow Reading services participate in various informal baseline assessments. Our assessment tasks specifically break down a student's strengths and weaknesses in several areas of literacy for your understanding.

These baseline assessments will be the driving force in determining your child's intervention plan. The results will also assist in creating home practice activities that reinforce the newly taught concepts within our classroom. Valuable parent and student resources for each family and complimentary materials and literature for your child's teacher are included with each assessment summary. A complimentary follow-up meeting will inform you of your child’s assessment results and further explanation regarding their specific literacy strengths and weaknesses, education plan, and more!

Rainbow Reading seeks to give each family a comprehensive assessment summary that thoughtfully and descriptively portrays a student's literacy strengths and areas of literacy that require improvement. Parents deserve transparency and direct communication regarding their child’s reading progress and intervention process. The goal of a Rainbow Reading assessment summary is to assist in implementing effective, multisensory, research-based interventions to enhance personal and academic goals and reading proficiency for each child.