Splendid Agony Celebrating Dyslexia written by T. Durant Fleming
This book! ❤️🌈 @splendidagonyofdyslexiabook
Dyslexia may be perceived as a weakness, but by Fleming's accord, it is a person's greatest strength. Splendid Agony invites the reader to view dyslexia through the eyes of one who has lived it and writes with a sincere celebration of individuals blessed with the unique dyslexic mind. With genuine compassion, Fleming invites the reader into his experience living with dyslexia as both a child and an adult. Through beautiful and intimate memories, the audience understands the adversity and the joy that compliments a dyslexia diagnosis. With humor and significant vulnerability, Fleming provides a memoir with valuable perspective and insightful advice to better support our deserving dyslexic community with messages of owning the learning difference and appreciating the resilience it instills. The book's tone is uplifting and exudes great hope, encouraging our young dyslexic community to truly get to know themselves, embrace themselves, and marvel at the creative mind and skill sets dyslexia bestows upon chosen individuals. With gracious praise towards supportive parents and passionate teachers, this book serves as a window into the world of a dyslexic child, clarifying our vision on how to affirm and nurture their innate curiosity, imagination, and creativity. Splendid Agony is set to make a tremendous difference in changing the world's perception of dyslexia into a learning difference that can be better understood, explored, explained, and celebrated! A must-read for all school administrators, educators, parents, and individuals with dyslexia.